Now as a mum of an almost 5-month-old I have lived experience of how hard breastfeeding can be. I know many women struggle with babies not latching, tongue ties, cracked nipples and limited supply, but never did I ever imagine how difficult breastfeeding can be at times. I have never felt hunger like I have in the last few months and the weeks when my son went through growth spurts. I literally cried walking home after a group one time as I was SO hungry and I had had a decent breakfast hours earlier!
In the first few weeks after birth, I didn’t experience the hunger but by week 6 it was real! I couldn’t stop thinking about food, I wanted to eat literally an hour after my dinner, and I would wake in the night and raid the fridge and cupboard for snacks. It’s not surprising when you think that when your little one is 3-6 months your body is producing a litre of milk a day!
So how am I surviving this period. This is what is working for me:
⁃ Minimum 3 meals and 3 snacks/days and not going longer than 3 hours between meals
⁃ Breakfast every day (ideally as soon as possible after I’m awake for the day…often before 6am!)
⁃ Larger meals if I’ve done exercise (e.g., long walk)
⁃ Choosing the full fat, high calorie options e.g., Greek yoghurt and butter
⁃ No cutting the carbs! They are the body and brain’s preferred source of quick fuel
⁃ Eating in the night if needed. You can’t beat peanut butter on toast at 2am, 4am. If I have another baby, I’ll be setting up a Tea Maid like my Nana had in my bedroom with a big biscuit tin!
⁃ Having ready meals, very simple meals when cluster feeding episodes happen at dinner time.
⁃ Ensuring I’m hydrated. Carrying a bottle of water with me and having one by the bed.
⁃ Snacks, snacks, and more snacks! I’m enjoying -South African rusks (they are a bit more substantial than an English Rich tea), Granola bars/flapjacks, nuts and nut butters with apples/carrots/oat cakes, pastries, and cake.
⁃ I also took a multivitamin (including vitamin D) and iron supplement for many weeks to make sure I was meeting all my body’s micronutrient needs
Breastfeeding mamas you are amazing, cut yourself some slack like when you were pregnant , You are literally eating for two! Schedule/allow time for rest, a bath, and maybe some meditation and remember to connect with others (my local breastfeeding group and mums group always provides a cuppa and biscuits/cake!)
By Elaine Cleaver from